Philip Thomas Cioni Family’s Tree

[dropcap]M[/dropcap]y name is Philip Thomas Cioni, son of Paul Thomas Cioni, grandson of Valentino and Rachella Cioni I have a very old aunt who thought our family came to America from Fano Adriatico (Fano on the Adriatic).

I spent three days in Fano, Italy, last year and looked through records (Baptismal certificates, birth certificates, wedding records, etc) with absolutely no luck. We met some very friendly folks who became interested in this, and they helped by looking under variations of the spelling (Cione, d’Cioni, etc) but still no luck.

[dropcap]E[/dropcap]ither my aunt is confused, or the folks at Ellis Island badly mis-wrote the name, a very common occurence.

I’d be interested in anything you come up with. Hope this helps.

Incidentally, Valentino and Rachella had five children…four boys named Paul, Harry, Richard, Anthony, and one girl, Jessie

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